Sort by medium vs sort by genre

Does anyone know of any research about this: Theory: people sometimes (often?) choose web activities by medium, rather than by content type. So as well as saying “I want news” people sometimes say “I want photos” or “I want video” or ” I want blogs”. So aggregating lots of examples of the same medium can …

EVERYONE is impatient with a bad user experience

This from my friend Nick Bowmast at Flow… The British have a reputation for patience, politely queuing for hours for the latest Playstation or the Kate Moss collection at Top Shop. But this patience does not extend to online activities, according to the results of a new survey. According to results published by GBC on …

Blogosphere growth figures stall. I might survive after all!

Thanks to Leisa Reicheld for an onslaught of fascinating links this week. I was complaining recently that I couldn’t cope with the sheer quantity of conversations that the network lifestyle was expecting me to have. Seems I’m not completely alone. This posting sums up some interesting information about the “stalling” growth of the blogosphere and …

The stormhoek guide to successful wine blogging

The guide I referred to in ysterday’s post is here in their archive. It’s very short, funny and easy to read. Give it two minutes. For example: 15. It might go terribly wrong, but that might actually be a good thing. So people read your blog, tried your wine and hated it. And now Google …

Mums on facebook

If you have children and are on facebook, you will love/be terrified by this. A brilliant piece of writing from the New York Times… “You won’t get away with this,” she typed. “everyone in the whole world thinks its super creepy when adults have facebooks.” omg my mom joined facebook!!